BEIJING: Chinese search engine Baidu Inc on Thursday said it benefited from Google's partial exit from the country and anticipates more customer gains in the next few quarters.
Analysts, however, said that Google's bleeding might slow in the second quarter, as mainland users' continued access to the Google Hong Kong site may ease advertisers' concerns. Robin Lee, chief executive of Baidu, said the company benefited from Google's decision to move its search engine to Hong Kong last month. "We have seen more confidence and higher customer loyalty since the end of last quarter," Lee said during a conference call on Thursday.
Baidu also benefited from the overall market growth and the deployment of its new online advertising platform "Phoenix Nest".
The company said on Wednesday that its profit more than doubled in the first three months of this year. Net income for the period rose to 480.5 million yuan ($70.4 million) from 181.1 million yuan a year back.
Incidentally this is the first earnings report from Baidu after its closest rival Google said in March that it was moving its search engine on the mainland to Hong Kong.
The US search company's decision led to most of its advertisers reducing spending by about 30 percent.
"The fall of Google's market share in the first quarter reflects the advertiser's concerns on the future of Google's Hong Kong site and its soured relationship with the Chinese government," said Edward Yu, president of Analysys International.
"Since the site is still accessible to users in the mainland, we expect Google's market share to recover in the second quarter," he said.
According to Analysys International, Google's market share in China fell to 30.9 percent in the first quarter from 35.6 percent three months earlier. Baidu's market share rose to 64 percent from 58.4 percent, the Beijing-based research firm said.
The search engine market share is based on revenue, rather than user numbers.
Access to Google's new site in Hong Kong has been normal for most mainland users. Google's other services, such as maps, video and music search are also functioning normally.
1. What are the key characteristics a consulting firm looks in consultants taken from B schools?
Mr. Atish) Consulting firms recruiting from B-Schools look at the following generic qualities in B-school grads (over and above their specific firm/project needs):
Educational Lineage & Track Record – This aspect needs to be top-notch against the entire gamut of grads available on a particular campus or in the open market. And in case of a campus, the leading consulting companies usually select institutions that have a strong academic orientation. So a sound track record (it needn’t be an IIT-IIM always) with a high CGPA or Grade, right from school, along with recognized academic brand names (not necessarily well marketed brands) is what makes the cut.
Blend of Academic & Co-curricular achievements – Consulting companies thrive on brilliant minds as well as those who can communicate well and effortlessly connect with clients. Thus a well rounded personality is what is more sought after. So a first ranker may not always be the best bet, but definitely those in the Top 5-10 with an exemplary achievement or knack will find favour.
Common sense driven, yet Methodical – It is imperative for a good Management consultant to be driven by common sense and yet be meticulous in thought process, and different communication modes (verbal/written outputs).
Demeanour – A pleasing and yet a business oriented demeanour fits the bill for most management consulting profiles. This is important as several future assignments would involve interactions with Top Management and discussions with multiple layers within a client organization. So a fair mix-and-match of a “communicative extrovert” and an “analytic introvert” is one whom wins the race.
2. What is a typical career path in consulting sphere starting from a fresh entrant in the industry? What are the key skills required in various roles?
Mr. Atish) Consulting companies have limited levels and can be generically put as:
Analyst level – this strata in a firm deals with understanding of business requirements, analysing solution options and presenting in a lucid and comprehensive manner. The key skill required is flair for understanding business processes and financial aspects and good presentation material preparation skills.
Consultant Level – This is the first level of taking dual ownership of delivering results on the assignments as well as managing client relationships. It requires people skills for external interactions and team skills for internal interactions.
Senior Consultant or Manager Levels – This part of the career starts knocking on the door for new business development or mining old business relationships. It necessitates relationship building skills along with client management skills.
Senior Manager, Principal Consultant Levels – This level deals with significant influence on the Profit & Loss account of the practice. Thus it necessitates sound financial knowledge. It also encompasses people management skills, as any self-respecting consulting firm gives top priority to people and their retention and well being decides the future of the firm.
Partner or VP levels – Depending upon the operational policies of the firm, the Partner or VP levels decide the direction of the firm, development of the firm, short term opportunity encashment and long term prospect development. It needs networking skills, people management prowess, financial knowledge and significant leadership skills.
3. How does Management Consulting differ from IT Consulting? Can one move from one to another easily?
Mr. Atish) Management Consulting is the super set of different forms of consulting viz. Strategy Consulting, IT Consulting, Supply Chain Consulting, ERP Consulting, HR consulting etc. Management consulting, as a term, is interchangeable used with Business Consulting.So anything which deals with better management of resources and opportunities and those which impact business growth & prospects is under the purview of Management consulting.IT consulting on the other hand necessarily focuses on IT as the platform for business gains or removal of wastages in the organisation whether in terms of money, effort etc.
It is fairly common to have specialized people in either of the two areas of Management Consulting & IT consulting. And though there is an overlap of ERP based consulting adopting the role of Management consultants, it is usually better left to work in two different spheres with harmonious collaboration.
4. Are there any myths about “Consulting Career”? (Common beliefs that may mislead someone)
Mr. Atish) The biggest myth about the Consulting Career is that it makes people “Snotty”.
Usually the top notch salaries that some Management consultants are able to take home, lends an arrogant outlook to this entire breed.
Actually Management consultants are just business minded and need to manage their time because of the nature of their work and the expectations from them. It’s like asking a person to shrink the learning of 20-25 years of work experience (in the client’s environment) into a few months of figuring out what ills are their in that system.
It is also contrary to popular belief that most of the core problem analysis & solution roadmap formulation is done by a brilliant mind alone. Actually it is ably supported by sound consulting methods, research inputs, extensive team discussions and falling back in some cases on the past work bank of the firm.
5. If I am not from a premier B-School or do not have very good past academic record, how can I prove myself good for a consulting job?
Mr. Atish) Consulting careers do get going faster with B-school education from a premier institution. But dedicated knowledge and skill development in a particular industry or related industries helps form a strong consulting career’s foundation. For example an automotive experience with detailed manufacturing or supply chain exposure; or a FMCG stint with a Channel Development exposure helps lay a good foundation to leapfrog onto a consulting job.
Several consulting assignments necessitate proven track record in a similar environment. So functional skills developed during any company stints supported with a reasonable good academic orientation and track record serves amply well for a consulting job.
6. Which are the major Consulting companies in India (with their specialization, if any)
Mr. Atish) Mckinsey & Co, The Boston Consulting Group, Accenture, Bain & Co, Deloitte, Booz & Co, Monitor Group are some of the big names in the Consulting domain.
Most of the big names specialize in Strategy formulation and direction setting domain. Monitor Group focuses in the HR consulting domain, including strategy consulting. Booz & Co specializes in government advisory functions thanks to their US Federal government experience and it is said to be gradually growing big in India too.
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The Art of Appraisal
Big Boss: This year your performance was good, excellent and outstanding. So, your rating is "average".
Kumar: What? How come 'average'?
Big Boss: Because...err...uhh...you lack domain knowledge.
Kumar: But last year you said I am a domain expert and you put me in this project as a domain consultant.
Big Boss: Oh is it? Well, in that case, I think your domain knowledge has eroded this year.
Kumar: What???
Big Boss: Yes, I didn't see you sharing knowledge on Purchasing domain.
Kumar: Why would I? Because I am not in Purchasing, I am in Manufacturing.
Big Boss: This is what I don't like about you. You give excuse for everything.
Kumar: Huh? *Confused*
Big Boss: Next, you need to improve your communication skills.
Kumar: Like what? I am the one who trained the team on "Business Communication", you sat in the audience and took notes, you remember?
Big Boss: Oh is it? Errr...well..I mean, you need to improve your Social Pragmatic Affirmative Communication.
Kumar: Huh? What the hell is that? *Confused*
Big Boss: See! That's why you need to learn about it.
Kumar: *head spinning*
Big Boss: Next, you need to sharpen your recruiting skills. All the guys you recruited left within 2 months.
Kumar: Well, not my mistake. You told them you will sit beside them and review their code, and most resigned the next day itself. Couple of them even attempted suicide.
Big Boss:*stunned* (recovers from shock) Err...anyway, I tried to give you a better rating, but our Normalization process gave you only 'average'.
Kumar: Last year that process gave me 'excellent'. This year just 'average'? Why is this process pushing me up and down every year?
Big Boss: That's a complicated process. You don't want to hear.
Kumar: I'll try to understand. Go ahead.
Big Boss: Well, we gather in a large room, write down the names of sub-ordinates in bits of paper, and throw them up in the air. Whichever lands on the floor gets 'average', whichever lands on table gets 'good', whichever we manage to catch gets 'excellent' and whichever gets stuck to ceiling gets 'outstanding'.
Kumar: (eyes popping out) What? Ridiculous! So who gets 'poor' rating?
Big Boss: Those are the ones we forget to write down.
Kumar: What the hell! And how can paper bits stick to ceiling for 'outstanding'?
Big Boss: Oh no, now you have started questioning our 20 year old organizational process!
Kumar: *faints*
The following are 11 examples of just how insanely corrupt the U.S. financial system has become....
#1) An industry insider "whistle blower" has come forward with "smoking gun" evidence that major financial institutions have been openly and blatantly manipulating the price of gold and silver. But so far those who are supposed to be regulating these firms have been sitting back and doing nothing about it.
#2) It has also now come out that most "gold" that is traded on the markets is not backed by the actual metal itself. For years, most people have assumed that the London Bullion Market Association, the world's largest gold market, had actual gold to back up the massive "gold deposits" at the major LBMA banks. But that is not the truth at all. Industry insiders are now revealing that LBMA banks actually have approximately a hundred times more gold deposits than actual gold bullion. When most people think they are buying gold what they are actually buying is pieces of paper that say that they own gold. Meanwhile they are being charged huge storage fees to store the gold.
#3) The guy who helped bring down AIG is going to get off scott-free and will be able to keep the millions in profits that he made in the process. It must be nice to be him.
#4) Goldman Sachs is denying that it "bet against its clients" when it changed its position in the housing market in 2007. But the reality is that is exactly when they did and a lot of things that are even worse than that. The corruption at Goldman Sachs is very deep and very entrenched, but they will never be fully investigated because they have such close ties to the U.S. government.
#5) It is being alleged that the biggest banks in the United States are ripping off American cities with the same predatory deals that brought down the financial system of Greece. Of course the big banks will rip off just about anyone these days if they think they can get away with it.
#6) Several major Wall Street banks are being accused of using accounting techniques similar to those utilized by Lehman Brothers in its final days to mask the size of their balance sheets at the end of reporting periods.
#7) The Federal Reserve bought up the vast majority of U.S. government debt in 2009. Many analysts claim that this is the same as "printing money out of thin air", while others are openly calling it a Ponzi scheme.
#8) It turns out that the Federal Reserve holds credit-default swaps on the debt of Florida schools, and on debt owed by the states of California and Nevada. So the Federal Reserve would profit if one of those states defaulted on its debt. Talk about a conflict of interest.
#9) Executives at many of the firms that received large amounts of money during the Wall Street bailouts are being lavished with record bonuses as millions of other average Americans are suffering intensely. Even the CEOs of bailed-out regional banks are getting big raises.
#10) We may not know much about what is going on inside some of these banks, but they sure do know a lot about us. For example, it has been revealed that the data mining operations of the major credit card companies are becoming so sophisticated that they can actually predict how likely you are to get a divorce.
Interviewer: just imagine you are on the3rd floor, it caught fire Sardar: My mobile bill how much?
Sardar: I think that girl is deaf..
Friend: I got a brand new Ford IKON for my wife!
Teacher: Which is the oldest animal in world?
Sardar attending an interview in Software Company.
Sardar in airplane going 2 Bombay .. Teacher: "What is common between JESUS, KRISHNA , RAM, GANDHI and BUDHA?"
Sir: What is difference between Orange and Apple?
Even if one goes beyond the Sensex companies, the performance is expected to be good. For instance, while Citi Investment Research & Analysis estimates its universe of stocks (excluding refining and marketing (RM) companies) to deliver 35 per cent year-on-year profit growth, Motilal Oswal Securities expects its universe of 124 stocks (excluding RM) to deliver 33.2 per cent profit growth for the March 2010 quarter.
In fact, the March quarter could mark a new era of robust earnings growth. Says Rajat Rajgarhia, Director –Research, Motilal Oswal Securities, “In our India Strategy for the quarter ended December 2009, we had said that we see the beginning of a new cycle of earnings growth. Corporate performance for the quarter ending March 2010 should confirm that this new cycle is not only in motion but gaining momentum.” The brokerage expects its universe of stocks (excluding RM companies) to report an all-time high net profit of Rs 57,500 crore, breaching the previous peak of Rs 54,200 crore in September 2008 quarter.However, most of these expectations are already factored in stock valuations, and hence, expect the markets to react swiftly to any positive and negative surprises in the results. Overall, while there will be a handful of spoilsports and perhaps a few disappointments, read on to know the expectations for each of the key sectors and within them, the top companies.
Continuing the growth momentum of December 2009 quarter, all auto majors are expected to deliver robust numbers for March 2010 quarter; their top line growth is expected around 50 per cent. Fears of price increases due to excise duty hike, rise in raw material costs and change in the emission norms resulted in some advance buying by customers, and perked up volumes in March quarter. Overall, volumes picked-up by 37.6 per cent year-on-year and 6.5 per cent sequentially for auto majors.
A better product mix in favour of high margin Pulsar and Discover should help Bajaj Auto’s EBITDA margins expand by around 500 basis points year-on-year; however, these are expected to contract sequentially reflecting higher input costs. For Hero Honda, increase in commodity prices could hit EBITDA margins, but net profits could see surge by over 40 per cent year-on-year on account of a decline in tax rate, given the increased production at its Haridwar plant.
While Tata Motors performance is seen improving on the back of the spurt in volumes, its net profit would get a boost from the sale of stake in joint venture, Telcon, to Hitachi during the quarter. For Maruti, strong volumes and higher realisations (due to an increase in vehicle prices and higher contribution of A2 and A3 segments) are seen driving its performance during the quarter. Likewise, higher volumes and operating leverage should drive M&M performance.
On the back of improving economic activity, credit off-take picked up to around 16 per cent during the fourth quarter. Comparatively, the deposit growth continued to see further moderation through the large part of the quarter, but improved towards the end and managed 18 per cent year-on-year. The net interest income (NII) for most banks is expected to come in the range of 25-30 per cent year-on-year on account of improving loan volumes and better margins. From the PSU space, SBI could churn around 45 per cent growth in NIIs on a low base. Also, in the PSU space, compared to higher share of treasury gains profits booked in the fourth quarter last year, current quarter would not be that bright on account of relatively firmer yields. Amongst private banks, ICICI Bank could deliver sluggish growth of about 3-5 per cent in NIIs.
Overall, net interest margins for the banks could trend higher by 10-15 basis points in the quarter due to deposit re-pricing and enhanced share of CASA deposits. On the asset quality front, with economic scenario improving, the NPA accretion is expected at levels of December 2009 quarter. While provisions are expected to increase in Q4 FY10 for PSU banks, SBI could see lower profitability on account of this as it hikes its coverage ratio. Private players like HDFC Bank are expected to be better-off (net profits could see a jump of 30 per cent y-o-y).
Capital goods
Most companies in the sector are expected to report good revenue growth of about 19-20 per cent led by improvement in execution and revival in industrial and infrastructure projects. Margins are expected to be stable in the March quarter, but might come under pressure in the next quarter given the higher commodity prices. Led by stable margins and better execution, net profit growth could be in the region of 25 per cent for March quarter. Companies could also report improved order book led by revival in the private and government sector capex. Among companies, BHEL is seen reporting strong earnings growth led by higher volumes and improvement in margins due to the benefit of lower wage provisioning and input prices.
L&T is expected to report strong revenue growth led by higher execution. Analysts will closely watch Punj Lloyd’s result given the concerns on its legacy orders. In this quarter, the company could book profit of about Rs 300 crore on account of its stake sale in Pipavav Shipyard. Going forward, the sector is expected to do well on the back of higher economy growth leading to increased private and infrastructure investment.
Construction & Infra
Most construction companies could report good revenue growth and strong jump in profits led by improved margins and lower interest costs. Also, in this quarter many companies have witnessed strong order inflow leading to improved visibility. However, analysts will watch revenue growth for companies like IVRCL Infra, Nagarjuna Construction, HCC and Patel Engineering, which have large exposure to projects in Andhra Pradesh, where execution has got delayed. JP Associates could post strong revenue growth led by higher volumes from the cement business along with improved traction in the construction business.
However, profit growth could be marginal due to lower margins, lower dividend income and expected increase in interest cost. GMR Infra could report marginal growth in revenues due to relocation of its power plant, but growth in profits could be strong.
The company has commissioned three road projects recently, which along with the increased revenue from the merchant power business should mean higher operating margins. HCC could post healthy growth in revenues and significant jump in the order book for the quarter, but due to lower operating profit margins its profits are seen declining.
It would be another quarter of steady growth driven by higher volumes and better product mix. Overall, FMCG companies could post revenue growth of 15-16 per cent year-on-year. Amongst the leaders, ITC could mop higher sales on cigarette inventory stock up ahead of price hikes (around 7 per cent), post Budget. While Hindustan Unilever could see modest revenue growth due to price cuts taken across some of its categories like laundry. Amongst the smaller players, consolidation of Sara Lee portfolio could boost revenue growth to 50-60 per cent year-on-year for Godrej Consumer. While Marico could see volume de-growth this quarter, it affected price cuts in pure coconut oil and Amla which could help sustain volume growth, going ahead.
Due to firm commodity prices (palm oil, milk) on sequential basis, expect lower expansion in EBITDA margin as against December 2009 quarter. HUL could come under pressure on the margin front in Q4, while price hikes in some categories could see margin expansion for Nestle. However, the launch of GSK Consumer’s Horlicks Foodles and HUL’s Knorr Noodles could pack a punch to Nestle’s Maggi. Going ahead, the surge in food inflation might impact volume growth in certain segments, so FMCG players would be cautious of any price increases on account of higher raw material costs. HUL and P&G’s aggressive price cuts in the detergents could also hit margins.
IT services
A pick-up in discretionary spending could bolster revenue growth for top IT players. Experts suggest that larger vendors could report a sequential revenue growth of 3-5 per cent in the quarter on account of volume increases of about 5-7 per cent. Nevertheless, pricing may be under pressure on account of unfavourable currency movements. Adjusting for currency, IT players could deliver a sequential growth of 1-3 per cent. Infosys is expected to deliver the best revenue run-rate amongst leading players with revenue growth of 3-3.5 per cent. Earlier, BFSI led the charge for the most IT players’ fortunes; newer verticals like healthcare, retail could contribute more, going ahead. The rupee, on average, appreciated 1.5 per cent in March quarter against the US dollar, and could shave around 50 basis points from the margins.
Analysts expect that cross-currency headwinds could dent margins for IT players like HCL Tech and Tech Mahindra in a major way. An uptick in hiring could also eat some margins off for the industry. However, better SGA leverage and utilisation could help offset some of these pressures. Rahul Jain, analyst, Angel Securities says that revenue growth for top players would 5.2 per cent in dollar terms and 3.1 per cent in rupee terms.
Oil & Gas
Crude oil prices firmed up by 2.5 per cent during the March quarter and ranged $71-82/barrel. This led to stocks like Cairn and Reliance Industries (RIL) outperforming, while stocks of most oil PSUs were impacted. Gross refining margins, which reached historical low levels in December 2009 quarter, have rebounded on the back of demand revival for products like gasoline and heating oil. In line with an increase in Singapore GRMs, PSU Oil refiners could gain. Nevertheless, crude oil price increases could put pressure on the profitability of OMCs, as they continue to lose money on account of selling products at a discount to prevailing market prices. Analysts expect IOC to report a dip of 65 per cent in net profits this quarter. However, government subsidy could decide the actual losses that OMCs finally bear.
For RIL, an improvement in GRMs, enhanced volumes from Jamnagar refineries and overall good performance from its petrochem and E&P could a see a spurt in the top line by more than 100 per cent year-on-year. For companies like ONGC, even though realisations have increased, subsidy outgo inched up in the same token.
Steel prices are higher sequentially as well as on a year-on-year basis, which along with robust volume growth will help companies report significantly higher earnings growth for the quarter. Backed by 67 per cent growth in volumes and higher realisation, JSW is seen reporting a 54 per cent growth in revenues while turnaround in terms of profitability (compared to a loss last year). SAIL and Tata Steel (consolidated) could have marginal growth in revenue as growths in volumes were not significant. However, Tata Steel could report profits in this quarter as against the loss last year due to cost saving at Corus along with better realisations in Europe.
On the flip side, a marginal impact will be seen on the margins on account of higher raw material prices for iron ore and coking coal, even as steel companies have been increasing their product prices. Going forward, companies might further increase steel prices to accommodate the cost push.
In the non-ferrous space, too, companies will benefit due to higher international prices. In March quarter, average copper and zinc prices have more than doubled compared to last year. The benefit of this will go to Sterlite Industries and Hindustan Zinc, which are seen reporting strong growth in revenues and profits.
Indian telecom players faced another difficult quarter, although its severity was lower compared to the December 2009 quarter. Idea could report top-line growth of 5 per cent sequentially (10-12 per cent year-on-year) on account of strong subscriber additions of around 67 lakh. Comparatively, Bharti Airtel (87 lakh) and Reliance Communications (84 lakh) continued to brace another strong growth quarter in subscriber base, despite high competition. However, RCom is expected to witness revenue decline of 1-2 per cent sequentially due to a comparatively higher fall in monthly ARPUs than Bharti and Idea.
EBITDA Margins for telecom majors could decline by 100-150 basis points sequentially (300-450 basis points year-on-year) on the back of higher network expansion costs, subscriber acquisition expenses and a decline in tariffs. RCom and Idea are expected to show a 15 per cent sequential decline each in the bottomline, mainly due to margin pressures. Analysts suggest that bottomline of companies could decline on an average by 10 per cent sequentially. However, Bharti is expected to fare relatively better.
in Rs crore | net sales | % chg | EBIDTA | % chg | Net profit | % chg |
Auto | ||||||
Bajaj Auto | 3,302 | 75.3 | 701 | 145.1 | 463 | 204.2 |
Hero Honda | 4,088 | 19.4 | 701 | 27.6 | 562 | 39.7 |
Maruti | 8,374 | 30.2 | 1,128 | 151.0 | 719 | 195.7 |
M&M | 5,136 | 41.2 | 761 | 88.8 | 479 | 71.2 |
Tata Motors | 11,515 | 69.2 | 1,415 | 241.5 | 661 | 474.9 |
Banking * | ||||||
HDFC Bank | 2,443 | 31.9 | 1,769 | 12.6 | 838 | 32.8 |
HDFC | 1,222 | 21.7 | 1,145 | 10.1 | 798 | 8.8 |
ICICI Bank | 2,214 | 3.5 | 2,360 | 9.5 | 918 | 23.4 |
PNB | 2,462 | 29.2 | 1,951 | 22.8 | 1,001 | 15.6 |
SBI | 7,021 | 45.0 | 5,931 | 12.4 | 2,895 | 5.6 |
Capital goods & Engineering | ||||||
ABB | 1,518 | 9.0 | 131 | 3.3 | 91 | 15.9 |
BHEL | 12,328 | 17.0 | 2,646 | 27.8 | 1,869 | 38.7 |
Crompton Greaves | 2,689 | 9.3 | 351 | 6.7 | 213 | 9.7 |
L&T | 13,200 | 26.1 | 1,780 | 12.1 | 1,248 | 9.2 |
Thermax | 977 | 3.0 | 121 | 804.9 | 78 | -15.8 |
Cement | ||||||
ACC | 2,144 | 4.3 | 589 | -8.9 | 368 | -9.1 |
Ambuja Cement | 2,013 | 9.0 | 580 | 10.6 | 394 | 18.0 |
Grasim | 3,315 | 13.9 | 1,044 | 48.7 | 614 | 59.6 |
India Cements | 926 | 4.2 | 157 | -30.4 | 57 | -39.3 |
Shree Cements | 950 | 17.8 | 378 | 14.3 | 187 | -22.5 |
UltraTech Cements | 1,942 | 4.5 | 497 | -6.8 | 262 | -15.3 |
Construction & Infrastructure | ||||||
GMR Infra | 1,504 | 13.3 | 438 | 53.1 | 97 | 82.2 |
HCC | 1,126 | 14.9 | 165 | 9.3 | 35 | -31.7 |
IVRCL Infra | 1,950 | 19.9 | 190 | 34.0 | 89 | 11.7 |
JP Associate | 2,994 | 43.6 | 818 | 16.0 | 332 | -13.9 |
Nagarjuna Const. | 1,611 | 46.7 | 162 | 92.9 | 68 | 79.1 |
FMCG | ||||||
Dabur | 876 | 19.0 | 182 | 35.5 | 126 | 21.0 |
HUL | 4,227 | 6.0 | 643 | 7.8 | 493 | -1.7 |
ITC | 4,632 | 17.9 | 1,632 | 25.7 | 1,028 | 27.1 |
Nestle | 1,513 | 19.5 | 337 | 8.7 | 229 | 15.9 |
IT | ||||||
HCL Tech | 3,066 | 1.1 | 592 | -3.7 | 307 | 3.5 |
Infosys | 5,940 | 3.4 | 2,104 | 11.3 | 1,633 | 1.3 |
TCS | 7,855 | 2.7 | 2,344 | 24.7 | 1,852 | 40.9 |
Wipro | 6,982 | 1.3 | 1,538 | -1.1 | 1,235 | 1.4 |
Metals | ||||||
Hindalco Industries | 5,552 | 47.2 | 868 | 176.3 | 520 | 341.0 |
Hindustan Zinc | 2,320 | 83.7 | 1,390 | 139.1 | 1,175 | 113.1 |
Nalco | 1,357 | 24.7 | 271 | 364.1 | 245 | 195.4 |
Sterlite Industries | 7,360 | 67.0 | 1,942 | 131.5 | 1,217 | 211.4 |
JSW Steel | 5,566 | 53.7 | 1,451 | 514.6 | 627 | NA |
SAIL | 12,902 | 7.0 | 3,221 | 52.8 | 2,163 | 45.5 |
Tata Steel | 29,190 | 10.5 | 3,711 | 9538.0 | 1,335 | NA |
Oil & Gas | ||||||
Cairn | 759 | 317.3 | 444 | 411.9 | 359 |
A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She reduced altitude and spotted a man below. She descended a bit more and shouted, "Excuse me Sir, can you help me? I promised a friend, I would meet him an hour ago but I don't know where I am."
The man below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude."
''You must be an engineer," said the lady balloonist.
"I am", replied the man. 'How did you know?'
''Well", answered the lady in the balloon, "everything you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me at all. If anything, you've delayed my trip even more."
The engineer below responded, "You must be in Top Management."
''I am", replied the lady balloonist, "but, how did you know?''
"Well," said the Engineer, "You don't know where you are, or where you're going. You made a promise, which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you, to solve your problems."
A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She reduced altitude and spotted a man below. She descended a bit more and shouted, "Excuse me Sir, can you help me? I promised a friend, I would meet him an hour ago but I don't know where I am."
The man below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude."
''You must be an engineer," said the lady balloonist.
"I am", replied the man. 'How did you know?'
''Well", answered the lady in the balloon, "everything you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me at all. If anything, you've delayed my trip even more."
The engineer below responded, "You must be in Top Management."
''I am", replied the lady balloonist, "but, how did you know?''
"Well," said the Engineer, "You don't know where you are, or where you're going. You made a promise, which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you, to solve your problems."